The Pyrenees from 1,880 to 1,900

Pyrenees Encantats

The Pyrenees from 1,880 to 1,900. The modern Pyrenees

Modern mountaineering began in the Pyrenees in the last quarter of the 19th century. In 1,878 Maurice Goudon, St Saud and Courrège with their guide Passet from Gavarnie. They climbed the Fonguero, Puy de Linya and el Subenulls and discovered the Encantats. They were accompanied by the Espot-guide Josep Brunet.

The precursors

It’s during this time that mountaineering that had been occurring in the Alps was reproduced in the Pyrenees. The precursors to the difficult ascents were highlighted by the guides Latour, Casse, Brulle, Passet, Salles. Which were hired by such clients as Durand, Wallon, Lourde-Rochefable, Roger de Monts, Brulle and Ballizac Swan. Among their ascents was the El Balaitous by the southern glacier and the Latour gap in 1,874 via The Latour-Casse cornice. This generation of climbers reached not only the summits, but also by different and more difficult routes.

Pyrenees Aztazou

In 1881 Bazillac and Brulle made the first ascent of Aztazou via the edge and four years later they ascended it again via the couloir Swan. Then in 1,882 they ascended the Comolo Formo; And in 1888 Marbore from Gavarnie.  The same year they ascended De Monts, with Celestin Passet and Salles-Bernat. They summited the Monte Perdido by the northern glacier. Without a doubt it is one of the most beautiful climbs of the Pyrenees.

Noth face and glaciers

A year later they managed to climb the Gaube couloir in the Vignemale. This feat wasn’t repeated for forty-four years. Still nowadays it’s considered one of the most difficult climbs in the Pyrenees.  These ascents were followed by others like the crest that goes from Mont-Ferrat to Tapou, the ascent of the Petit Vignemale by the seracs of the glacier on the north face, and the Soum de Ramond by the edge of the glaciers.

In 1,892 Brulle, De Monts, Hippólite and Celestin Passet conquered the Tower of Goriz. In 1,899 the Count d’Ussel climbed the Roc Colom with the guide Marfaign.

Pyrenees Espalda de Aneto

The nineteenth century ended with the apogee of the five brothers Cadier, from the village of Osse in the Aspe Valley, following the footsteps of Russell and Schader, climbing the difficult mountains. They wrote their adventures in the book “Au pays des Isards” where they also describe the ascent of the Espalda de Aneto.


In 1,902 the Center Excursionista de Catalunya edited the first guide-book “El Pirineu Català”,  Cesar August Torras published it . This book opened the mountain world to a new generation of hikers in the Catalonia area who opened more climbing routes of increasingly difficulty.

Picos de Europa

Picos de Europa Naranjo de Bulnes

This pursuit was extended in other mountains of the Iberian Peninsula. It’s noteworthy that in 1,904 in Picos de Europa Don Pedro Pidal marques de Villaviciosa, accompanied by the local guide Gregorio Pérez called “el Cainejo climbed the Naranjo de Bulnes ”.

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