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Pyrenees 1902 was a turning point in the sport of mountaineering, with the first female-ascent of Aneto by Montserrat Mestre. The Cadier Brothers climbed Aneto-Back from the Barrancs glacier and continue to Aneto. Ramiro Busquets achieved the summits of Tempestats and Brulle d’Astorg, and Castagné ascent to Encantat Petit from the Estany Serull.
At this time, climbers wanted not only to ascend the highest peaks, but also looking for new ways to climb secondary summits, like in winter conditions and even with skis. In 1903 Brulle d’Astorg and Castagné arrived at Basiero. In 1905 Louis le Bondidier and his wife conquered the Pic Marguelide, naming this summit.
In 1906 Mosén Jaume Oliveras and Mosén Arenas arrive at Aneto through the Cregüeña and Middle Crests, and made the descent down the Llosás ridge. In 1912 D’Ussel carried out the first crossing of the crest that joins the Russell and Marguelide peaks, and the Harlé brothers reached, for the first time, the northern summit of the Serra de Tumaneia, the Pa de Sucre, and the Punta Harlé.
In 1916, the guide Sayó and German Blass died in the Mohammed Bridge of Aneto as a result of lightning. In 1918 Lluís Estasen, Herzog and J.M. Soler Coll climbed the Saburedo and Basiero peaks. In 1919 José Pauss and W. Illges toured the Agulles de Travesany. Estaen, Illges and Hergoz climbed the Petit Encantat along the eastern ridge as well as the first winter ascent to Pedraforca.
In 1921 Lluís Estaeny Carlos Feliu climbed the Cylinder, Balaitus and Vignemale. Jean Arlaud and Charles Laffont crossed the ridges of Crabiolés-Lezat.
In 1922 Lluís Estaen opened two routes on the north face of Pedraforca: La Grallera and the Red Channel. In 1924 he made the first winter ascent to Pica d’Estats and in 1925 ascended Vignamale on skis.
In 1926 Jeab Arlaud and Abadie ascended Bisiberri Norte by its north wall and Agulla petita d’Amitges. In 1928 Lluís Estaen, Jofre Vila, José Rovira and José Puntas achieved the first to the north wall of the Pedraforca via the Estaen road, which turned out be a classic on this wall. In 1932 Henry Le Breton and Bernard Sanchette climbed the Sanchete couloir at Punta Midi d’Ossau and the Costerillou ridge.
1933 Teógenes Díaz and Ángel Tresaco made the traverse of the crests of Diablo and Costerillou. Barrio and N.Bellocq made the first ascent of the North Wall of the Pique Longue de Vignamale. Xandri and Casellas achieved the first traverse of the crest of Pedraforca.
In 1934 Reñé Menéndez and Carles Bertrand climbed the north wall of Pessons in Andorra. Lluís Semir worked as the mapping and guide of the Vall Ferrera. Therefore In 1935 Francisco Homedes, Boixeda and Alvareda did the first ascent of the Gat peack in Pedraforca. On this climb, Homedes died when he was struck by lightning at the summit itself.
In 1936 Fritz Kasparek and Karl Brunhuber made an attempt on the north wall of the Pique Longue by the classical way, but instead opened the Austrians chimney. The civil war (1936-1039) in Spain created a break in the climbing activity in the Pyrenees. In 1941 Carmen Romeu, José Piqué, Enesto Mallafré and Francisco Blasi climbed Mount Perdido along the North Glacier. Jorge Panyella and Jorge Ferrera achieved the direttissima of Pany-Ferrera to the north wall of Pedraforca. From this date onward, a much sportier stage introduced the most modern equipment in the sport of climbing.