witches in catalonia barcelonawalking 6

Witches in Pyrenees Local culture of Pyrenees tells us many legends about witches and how common they were there and in other Regions. A witch was a woman who signed a...

Toulouse Catharism in Occitania Barcelonawalking 1

Cathars, Pyrenees’s Good-Men. Catharism was a gnostic Christian movement, spread from the 10th to the 13th centuries, throughout Asia Minor, the Balkans, northern Italy, Occitania, Rhineland, Champagne and the Pyrenees. The...

Trementiaire 1_Tarragona goig

Les trementinaires dels Pirineus Les trementinaires dels Pirineus, eren dones originàries d’aquesta zona muntanyosa que es dedicaven a la recollida d’herbes medicinals i resina d’oli (de l’arbre de trementina). Amb aquests...

Trementiaire 1_Tarragona goig

The trementinaires of the Pyrenees The trementinaires of the Pyrenees (turpentinaires) were women originally from this mountainous areas who were engaged in the collection of medicinal herbs and oil resin (from...

Pyrennes Monte Perdido y Cilindro

Pyrenees 1900 – 1941 Eroic Pyrenees.  Pyrenees 1902 was a turning point in the sport of mountaineering, with the first female-ascent of Aneto by Montserrat Mestre. The Cadier Brothers climbed Aneto-Back...

Pyrenees Encantats

The Pyrenees from 1,880 to 1,900. The modern Pyrenees Modern mountaineering began in the Pyrenees in the last quarter of the 19th century. In 1,878 Maurice Goudon, St Saud and Courrège...

Pyrenees Posets

The Pyrenees from 1,850 to 1,880 scientists give way to romantics. After scientists have been studying the Pyrenees, others introduced a new way to approach these mountains. In 1,852 Lézat made...


The Pyrenees from 1280 to 1850 The Pyrenees have their maximum height at the summit of the Aneto: 3,404 meters above sea level. This height is modest compared to other mountains...

International Brigades 1

Hiking in the Pyrenees tribute international brigades. Over the Pyrenees International Brigades  during the Spanish Civil War. During the Spanish Civil War (1936 -1939), republicans loyal to the elected, left-leaning Second...

Royal Palace in Barcelona

The Square “ Pla de Palau ” in Barcelona. Few people in Barcelona know about the Square Plaza of Palau because in Spanish we call it “ Pla de Palau ,”...